AAA Premium Finance

What are premium finance companies?

  Who is AAA Premium Finance?


Premium finance companies provide payment options for types of insurance in which the insurance company does not offer a suitable payment plan.  They also allow us to finance several different policies together in a single monthly payment, or to offer better terms than company payment plans.  This gives us flexibility to offer the most convenient payment plan in each particular case.


AAA Premium Finance is our in-house premium finance company.  We use them when possible, as it gives us better control to keep a policy in effect when it might otherwise cancel for late payment, and keeps your payment information right at our fingertips for quicker service. You can inquire about AAA payment status and other questions through our agency (click here).


We occasionally use outside premium finance companies (such as U.S. Premium Finance, Siuprem, Capital, and others) when in the best interest of our customers on their particular policies.  Call us and we can follow up on any questions with these companies, as well.

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